2x Short-term Field Assistant (18 Feb)

Salary: £24,983 per annum (pro rata)

Two short-term field assistant positions are available to work collecting data on the breeding biology of blue tits and great tits, based at the Edward Grey Institute, Dept of Zoology, University of Oxford.

The post is available for two months full time, from approximately Tuesday 3rd April to Friday 1st June 2018. The main duties of the post-holders will be to carry out fieldwork at Wytham Woods, near Oxford, and to assist in the collation and input of data. Further details about the project see www.WythamTits.com. This is casual work and the hours are variable, but will include some weeks of very intensive fieldwork (the exact dates of the period of intensive work cannot be specified as it depends on the timing of the spring each year).

Successful candidates must have (or be qualified to obtain) a BTO permit to ring adult and nestling tits, be able to demonstrate skill and enthusiasm for biological research as well as experience of fieldwork under arduous conditions, and of working as part of a multi-disciplinary team. Informal inquiries about the positions should be emailed to Dr Keith McMahon (keith.mcmahon@zoo.ox.ac.uk).

The posts are based in a dynamic and expanding research-active institute, of c. 50 people, fully integrated within the Department of Zoology. Further details about the institute available at: http://www.zoo.ox.ac.uk/egi/.

To apply: please email a CV, together with a covering letter explaining your interest and skills plus the email addresses of two referees to Ms Lynne Bradley, PA to Professor Ben Sheldon (ben.sheldon.pa@zoo.ox.ac.uk).

Closing date: Sunday 18th February. All applications will be acknowledged. Short-listed candidates will be interviewed in the last week of February 2018.